Two chefs prepare Loch Duart Salmon dishes

Loch Duart is Chef Thomas Leatherbarrow’s salmon of choice


Chef Thomas Leatherbarrow explains why Loch Duart is his salmon of choice every time Loch Duart Salmon has been working with Chef Thomas Leatherbarrow, founder of TLC Gourmet since summer 2023 to highlight why our fish are often the go to choice for respected chef s and restaurants around the world. A high end catering company and hospitality firm TLC …

Three people at a salmon farm

HEART UK teams up with Loch Duart Salmon for fourth year 


Charity CEO and Dietetic Advisor visit farm to discover salmon health benefits HEART UK, the country’s only cholesterol charity which leads the fight against heart and circulatory disease and provides support and information for families and health professionals, has renewed its partnership with Loch Duart Salmon. Since joining forces with the charity in 2021 Loch Duart has further improved the …

man holding Loch Duart salmon next to sea

New Hebridean Baker cookbook features Loch Duart recipes


Salmon delivered by hand to bestselling cook at his off-grid cabin Bestselling author and cook Coinneach MacLeod, known around the world as The Hebridean Baker, has just published ‘The Scottish Cookbook’ which features two recipes using his favourite salmon, Loch Duart. Readers will now be able to try out his brand new, delicious recipes for Ginger Salmon Parcels and Roast …

Loch Duart worker

Clashnessie 2021 – Setting the record straight.


Clashnessie 2021 – Setting the record straight. Please view this video below: In 2021, during the COVID-19 pandemic when lockdowns were enforced in the UK, Loch Duart received two enforcement notices for our Clashnessie site due to elevated levels of sea lice. As a small company operating with limited resources, the pandemic presented us with unprecedented challenges. Social distancing requirements …

Two fish farm workers on site

Loch Carnan 2022 – Setting the record straight.


Loch Carnan 2022 – Setting the record straight. Please view this video below: In the summer of 2022, unusually warm waters on Scotland’s west coast, driven by climate change, led to a bloom of microscopic jellyfish, resulting in high fish mortality across the Scottish salmon industry. Loch Duart was significantly affected at our Loch Carnan site on South Uist, where …

Aerial photo of salmon farm

The Loch Duart Way (Part 2)


Salmon lifecycle At Loch Duart we’re dedicated to replicating the natural lifecycle of a wild salmon. This approach is managed using three simple steps: 1. Eggs: We strip the eggs from our own broodstock, salmon which have been specially selected to create the future generations of Loch Duart Salmon. 2. Hatchery: Taken to the hatchery these eggs are gently nourished …

Man driving a small motorboat

The Loch Duart Way (Part 1)


Loch Duart isn’t just a company or a place, it’s our very own breed of Scottish salmon. Our fish are the direct descendants of the wild salmon that still swim in these waters, with a taste and texture, that’s quite simply unrivalled. Watch some films about working at Loch Duart and how the team look after our salmon. Find out …

Two women on a beach holding a seeping net

Loch Duart Salmon renews support for West Sutherland Fisheries Trust to help its work on wild fisheries conservation


Partnership continues farm’s commitment to transparent fish health data reporting Loch Duart Salmon has announced it will continue working with the West Sutherland Fisheries Trust (WSFT) as an independent monitor and auditor of its fish health data for another three years. With Loch Duart’s renewed support, WFST can continue its vital work in the conservation of wild fisheries. Loch Duart’s …

Three men stand together at a Seafood Expo event with Loch Duart branding

Loch Duart announces industry leading feed on 25th anniversary


Biomar’s Blue Impact feed reinforces Scottish salmon farms’ commitment to low impact farming and healthier fish. Just one year since introducing its groundbreaking Blue Impact feed Loch Duart is celebrating its 25th anniversary by announcing that the new, improved diet means its salmon is now industry leading in health, low impact farming and purity. By maintaining high Omega-3 levels, further …