The latest results regarding sea lice levels will be published shortly and, despite our many efforts, the sea lice levels are higher than we would like them to be.
This year we have spent £190,000 on new research and it is beginning to pay off. Our sea lice levels this year are half the level they were last year and we believe that trend will continue.
This year we have researched lasers, tarpaulin exclusion, wrasse and many other technologies. Our new Research and Development department, with two qualified employees, has been trialling new technologies and helping us to find new ways. 32,000 wrasse have been deployed in our pens and we have seen some spectacular results when we have got the deployment right.
We believe that with our new techniques, new exclusion methods and what we have learned about wrasse, next year will see a considerable improvement in our performance. Meanwhile our numbers continue to drop. Our lice level will continue to fall dramatically over the next months. We have learned a lot this year and it has been down to the hard work of all the people who work with us.
Nick Joy